Client Inventory

Client Inventory

1 Welcome
2 About You
3 Expectations
4 Values
5 Desires
6 Arrival
7 Finish!

Thank you so much for trusting me to be your Coach ♡

Coaching is a co-creative process, where you are the expert of your life, and I am the expert of the coaching process. As your Coach, I want to empower you to generate the support you need for yourself. In order to do that, it is important that there is an open line of communication between us throughout the coaching engagement. In this relationship, you are in supreme authority of yourself, you own the agenda inside each session.

I acknowledge that each of my clients are as unique as a thumbprint, what may work for one, may not work for another. Throughout the engagement, if something is not working for you, or you’d like to provide me with feedback please know that I am open to it.

The following questions will help me to understand how to best support you throughout our time together. Please answer as much as you feel safe to do so as we will go through this during our first session.

About You ♡
What do you expect from me, as your Coach? ♡

Great, I already feel so connected to you! In order to make this journey even more magical, I would love to know how I can best support you throughout our time together.

What do you value? ♡

You’re doing so well! In this next section, let’s explore what you value. Knowing this allows me to know what’s most important to you, so we can focus your sessions around sustaining these core beliefs.

What do you desire? ♡

This is where it gets fun! This next section is focused on what it is that you want to gain from our time together. These questions are designed to help you narrow down what is most important to you and allows me to tailor our sessions around this.

How will you know you’ve arrived? ♡

This is where it gets fun! This next section is focused on what it is that you want to gain from our time together. These questions are designed to help you narrow down what is most important to you and allows me to tailor our sessions around this.

Anything else? ♡
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